BIRTHDAYS: 1745, Count Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta, invented the electric battery.
1848, Louis Comfort Tiffany, glassmaker
1909, Wallace Stegner
1920, Jack Palance, actor, bad guy, and one hand push up king!
1920, Bill Cullen
1931, Chloe Anthony Morrison, - aka Tonie Morrison, author.
1954, John Travolta, actor.
1957, Vanna White, Wheel of Fortune letter turner.
EVENTS: 1849, First regular steamboat service to California started with the arrival of the "California".
1850, California Legislature creates the 9 Bay Area counties.
1899, San Francisco is named as a port of dispatch for Army transports.
1930, A cow is flown (and milked in flight) for first time. Her milk was sealed in paper containers and dropped by parachute over St. Louis, MO. I knew you'd want to know ...
1939, Golden Gate International Exposition opens on Treasure Island (built for the occasion) in San Francisco Bay.
1995, "World Champion Houston Rockets" are honored at The White House.
2001, NASCAR Racer Dale Earnhardt dies in crash in final lap at the Daytona 500.
 Most successful men have not achieved their distinction by having some new talent or opportunity presented to them. They have developed the opportunity that was at hand. - Bruce Barton  |
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